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How To Be Everything: A Book Review

How To Be Everything: A Book Review

Background Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash; Design by Jodie Parris Follow me on Goodreads Hello my loyal readers and happy September! The temperatures are dropping and I am ready for it! Though I enjoy all seasons, the Fall and Spring seasons are probably two of my favorites, 

Managing my household with Tody: A Review

Managing my household with Tody: A Review

Background Photo by Delaney Van on Unsplash; Design by Jodie Parris Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it’s August and school will be back in session. I don’t have any children of my own so I am not in countdown mode until the first day of school 

Honeymoon in Puerto Rico

Honeymoon in Puerto Rico

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it’s already July, and we are in the long (and hot) dog days of summer? Something I always enjoy this time of year is seeing where everyone goes on their family vacations and trips. This year my husband 

Dandie Wedding: My Top Five Memories

Dandie Wedding: My Top Five Memories

Hello my loyal readers! I can’t believe it’s June, and my husband and I are celebrating our two year wedding anniversary already. Time really has flown by since our wedding day! Since planning the wedding and settling into married life is why I took a 

Finding Our Forever Home

Finding Our Forever Home

Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash and design by Jodie Parris Hello my loyal readers! I hope your Spring is off to a blooming start. I know I have been LOVING all the spring blooms around me, even though my allergies have been miserable this year. Last month 

Journey Home Series: The Final Chapter

Journey Home Series: The Final Chapter

Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash and design by Jodie Parris. Make sure you read the other excerpts from The Journey Home Series Seven years ago I moved back home to Western North Carolina. When I first moved back I wanted to capture the story as to why 

Long Time Coming…Bringing my Blog Back to Life!

Long Time Coming…Bringing my Blog Back to Life!

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash and design by Jodie Parris. Title inspired with lyrics from “Miss Americana” by Taylor Swift. Hello my loyal readers! It’s been almost 2.5 years since my last post, and a lot of things in life have changed to say the least. The 

Dandie Wedding: 232 Days to go!

Dandie Wedding: 232 Days to go!

Hello my loyal readers! It’s been a few weeks since my last blog post, and over a month since my last wedding planning post. My fiancé and I have been working so hard on the wedding the past couple of weeks and doing our best 

Stepping for Mental Health: Four Year Reflection of 10,000 steps a day!

Stepping for Mental Health: Four Year Reflection of 10,000 steps a day!

Hello my loyal readers! Long time and no new blog postings. Anybody else feeling like life is moving a million miles per minute right now or is that just me? I apologize for being so MIA these days. Between work craziness and planning the wedding, 

Dandie Wedding: 274 Days to go!

Dandie Wedding: 274 Days to go!

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it’s already September? The month of August always feels long because the days are exhausting and long within themselves. School goes back in and we are in a sea of changes, with both the seasons and life in 

Dandie Wedding: 301 Days to Go

Dandie Wedding: 301 Days to Go

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe August has hit us already?!?! Some families are already back into school mode. Working in higher education to me the school year starts come August 1st, or sometimes even in mid-July. Going into this week I knew it 

2 Years in Counseling: A Reflection

2 Years in Counseling: A Reflection

Hello my loyal readers! It’s been a little bit in regards to posting with preparing for my girls trip to the Outer Banks, and things with work picking up right away once I got back. After not traveling anywhere far in a year I was 

Dandie Wedding: 337 Days to Go

Dandie Wedding: 337 Days to Go

Hello my loyal readers! I hope you have had a great week and that this post finds you well. I am counting down my final more week of work until I get to go to the Outer Banks with my girlfriends. We are taking my 

What Solo Living Taught Me

What Solo Living Taught Me

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it is already July?!? This summer is going by so quickly and I feel like July is gonna go insanely fast and it will be back to school time. Later this month I am going to be out 

My Day Job in Student Affairs

My Day Job in Student Affairs

Hello my loyal readers! It is crazy to think this is the last Friday of June. Where is the time going?!?! I hope you all are enjoying this first official day of summer. What are some of your summer plans? Any cool trips or projects? 

Sunscreen Everyday- A Brand that Makes it Fun and Easy

Sunscreen Everyday- A Brand that Makes it Fun and Easy

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this blog post finds you well and soaking in some rays of sunshine wherever you are located at. We have had a gorgeous week where I am at and Sunday will be the first official day of summer. Beside 

Dandie Wedding: 365 Days to Go!

Dandie Wedding: 365 Days to Go!

Hello my loyal readers! Happy June! Can you believe we are basically halfway through this calendar year already? Like so many others I absolutely love the summer season. One of the things I absolutely love about the month of June is how it is wedding 

Dating a person with Celiac Disease

Dating a person with Celiac Disease

Hello my loyal readers! Today is the last day in May, which is so hard to believe. Did the month completely fly by for anybody else? Throughout this month we have been focusing on Mental Health and Celiac Disease Awareness. I have been raising awareness 

Fighting Depression For The First Time: A Personal Story

Fighting Depression For The First Time: A Personal Story

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this blog post finds you happy, healthy, and well. Can you believe we are already halfway through May. It is always one of the quickest months of the year to me, as well as August. Maybe it is because 

Three questions for the newly engaged: What I wish I had been asked

Three questions for the newly engaged: What I wish I had been asked

Background Photo by Brett Garwood on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! How are you doing on this day in May? For all my colleagues who work in higher education we are in countdown mode until the semester is finished. This school year has certainly been one to remember 

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2021: We Can’t Stop

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2021: We Can’t Stop

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this post finds you happy, healthy, and well. It is May, which means it is Celiac Disease Awareness Month. You can check out all of my other posts regarding celiac disease here. This is my tenth May raising awareness 

You are worthy: My engagement ring story

You are worthy: My engagement ring story

Photo by Brooks Leibee on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! Spring is certainly happening where I live because my allergies have became more active over the past week. I am even starting to get a little color on my arms and legs from my evening walks and runs 

Four Year reflection of the Blogging Life

Four Year reflection of the Blogging Life

Hello my loyal readers! Happy Friday, and the last Friday of the month of March. How can April be coming to us already, and be a quarter through the year of 2021? How is it going for you so far for you? For me it 

How I got into non-toxic cleaning and what I use today

How I got into non-toxic cleaning and what I use today

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this post finds you well and slowly adapting to daylight savings time. I know it always takes me a few weeks to get into the swing of things with sleep during the time change, which always makes the first 

Does it Spark Joy? Applying the KonMari Method beyond the home

Does it Spark Joy? Applying the KonMari Method beyond the home

Photo credit to Hello my loyal readers! It has felt so much like Spring this week where I live and it has made me so happy. I like to think I love all seasons equally, but Spring is a special time in my opinion. 

One year reflection of the COVID-19 Life

One year reflection of the COVID-19 Life

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it is already March? How is this year flying by already? I don’t know about you but I am excited for the month because Spring will be here soon. Like so many people right now I am reflecting 

How and why you need to start building out your self-care routine

How and why you need to start building out your self-care routine

Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers,  I can’t believe we are at the end of February and about to enter into March. This month has been really exciting on the blog, mainly because I got to finally share my proposal story. It  was my 

Self-Care = Self-Love

Self-Care = Self-Love

Background Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day weekend. Can you believe we are more than halfway through this month already? If you have been following me on the Instagram page, then you know every monday this 

A Dandie Proposal: The Story of my Engagement

A Dandie Proposal: The Story of my Engagement

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this blog post finds you well and celebrating the season of love. I have mentioned it in my prior posts this year so far, but I am finally going to to tell you the story of how Daniel proposed 

Finding my “Breath” in a 30 Day Yoga Journey

Finding my “Breath” in a 30 Day Yoga Journey

Hello my loyal readers! I can not believe it is February already! Did January pass by really quick or was that just for me?It was a whirlwind with returning back to work after the holidays, and starting work on some of the goals I have 

What I am working towards in 2021

What I am working towards in 2021

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe we are at the end of January already? This month has certainly flown by for me and I am sure many of you can relate. In my first post of the new year and month, I discussed what 

Becoming a “Rich Bitch” with my Finances

Becoming a “Rich Bitch” with my Finances

Hello my loyal readers! I am so excited to finally be able to tell you about the book that helped me turn my whole financial world, and overall life around. In my first post of this year I discussed how focusing on my financial health 

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash When COVID-19 hit in 2020, gyms closed down and millions of people were forced to start working out from home. Some people modified their fitness routine and goals, while others abandoned their fitness routine completely. For myself the pandemic did not really 

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

Background Photo by Joshua Bedford on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! Happy January 2021! I cannot believe it is a new year already. Last year felt like forever, but at the same time it passed by so quickly. I hope you all had a great holiday season and 

Reflecting on my 20’s: My quarter life crisis changed everything

Reflecting on my 20’s: My quarter life crisis changed everything

Two weeks ago I got to celebrate the ending of my 20’s and the start of my 30’s.That day my fiancé and I went on a nice four mile hike, and that night I had a socially distant and safe bonfire with my family and 

Embrace the Change like leaves in the Fall

Embrace the Change like leaves in the Fall

I can not believe it is already nearing the end of October. It seems like yesterday the countdown to Fall was on as the last days of summer came our way. August hit and just like that two months of life has passed us by. 

Introducing Real Talk

Introducing Real Talk

Hello my loyal readers!This post is a little different than what I usually write on here because it is the premiere of a new category of postings here on Impact, Influence, and Inspire. It is called “Real Talk.” I have been thinking about creating a 

Vacation 2020: Hilton Head, SC

Vacation 2020: Hilton Head, SC

Wow, I can’t believe it is August already! Soon the days of summer will be behind us and we will be starting another school year. Last month my boyfriend and I went on vacation to Hilton Head, South Carolina.It was very needed during this crazy 

The One Year I Spent in Counseling: Part 2

The One Year I Spent in Counseling: Part 2

Read Part 2 of the one year I spent going to counseling!
Mental Health matters, and we need to treat getting help for it like we would any other disease or illness.

The one year I spent in Counseling-Part 1

The one year I spent in Counseling-Part 1

I can not believe how quick this month has gone by! It seems like it just started, and now we are going into the last weekend of the month of June, and soon heading into the dog days of summer.Our vacation is in three weeks, 

Mid-Year Reflection of 2020

Mid-Year Reflection of 2020

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it is June already? This year is flying by and it has certainly been a bizarre one.Between COVID-19 and all the protests going on the past few weeks, this year has been a heavy one.I do not know 

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: Community is Everything

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: Community is Everything

Can you believe it is the last day in May? I feel like I say this every year, but May seriously comes and goes by so quickly.I do not know if it flies by because the semester is winding down, and the summer is about 

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: What happens when I eat Gluten?

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: What happens when I eat Gluten?

The question everyone asks me after I tell them of my Celiac Disease and Gluten Free life is, “what happens to you when you eat it?”You have to love the curiosity we humans have sometimes.I do not mind getting asked this question and their curiosity 

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: Now is the time to Advocate

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: Now is the time to Advocate

It is crazy for me to think that this month marks my 9th year of raising awareness during the month of May for Celiac Disease. Some years I have raised more awareness than others, but I always try to spread education, reality checks of life 

Finding “Big Magic” in Writing: A Book Review

Finding “Big Magic” in Writing: A Book Review

You ever feel like you were meant to find a book? I know I have! There have been countless times when I have been wanting or yearning for a type of book to walk into my life and it does at the most perfect time. 

Boundaries are Important

Boundaries are Important

Right now the message we are getting everywhere we go is that boundaries are important. We are hearing the words “social distancing” and “six feet” as the COVID-19 pandemic overtakes our world.This is not going to be a post fully about the pandemic. I think 

Reflection by the Lake

Reflection by the Lake

During my work trip to Raleigh this past fall I spent a lot of time by myself, reflecting on everything in life. I can’t recall the last time I just sat down and truly looked inward. I found myself feeling lucky and almost overwhelmed to 

The Tale of Dandie

The Tale of Dandie

Hello my loyal readers! It has been a long time since I posted last. Well over a year actually!! I did not mean to go MIA, but other things in life stole my attention, both good and bad, and I needed to just tend to 

Introduction to Lifestyle

Introduction to Lifestyle

What is a lifestyle? If you google the definition for it you will find the following: Lifestyle Noun: The typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture Adjective: Associated with, reflecting, or promoting an enhanced or more desirable lifestyle Merriam Webster Dictionary When