Dandie Wedding: My Top Five Memories

Dandie Wedding: My Top Five Memories

Hello my loyal readers!

I can’t believe it’s June, and my husband and I are celebrating our two year wedding anniversary already. Time really has flown by since our wedding day!

Since planning the wedding and settling into married life is why I took a break from blogging, I wanted to share with you my top five memories from the big day.

1) First look with my Dad and Daniel

When we were deciding on if we wanted to a do a first look or not, my husband was pretty vocal (in a good way) that he wanted to do a first look. I remember him saying “I can’t go the whole day and not see you beforehand,” and I felt the same way.
When we decided to do a first look and incorporate it into our day as a couple, I knew that I also wanted to do a first look with my dad.
My dad and I have always had a close relationship and are very similar in a lot of ways. However, my husband and dad have a lot of similar traits as well. Some of them are how hard working they both are, sense of humor, their ability to be friends with everyone, and their love for football.
I’ve also rarely seen either of them cry because neither of them wear their hearts on their sleeve, but the moment they both saw me in my wedding gown on that beautiful June day they both shed a few tears.
In those moments with them both, I had never seen them dressed up so nicely before, but I needed to see them during that moment.
My dad made sure I had a laugh and joy on that day, even though he knew I was probably a little stressed and anxious about the whole day and event going smoothly. He has always been been the biggest jokester.

Seeing my Daniel was certainly much needed because his hugs always feel like home. On such a big day I needed that comfort and peace before everything started, so I’m grateful we took that moment with each other.

2) Walking Down the Aisle

Every girl dreams about the day she gets to walk down the aisle and marry the love of her life, so of course this was a highlight moment for me.
During the search of wedding music I came across a instrumental cover version by ItsAMoney of “Lovestory” by Taylor Swift and knew it was the song I wanted to walk down the aisle. I was 17 years old when that song was released and I dreamed about my own fairytale and happily ever after, so it was only fitting I chose to walk down the aisle to it.
During my long but also short walk down the aisle, I just remember feeling overjoyed seeing Daniel at the end of it, and really “pinch me” like to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
Finding the love of my life and getting married had been a dream of mine since I was a little girl, and I couldn’t believe it was finally coming true. Not only was my Prince Charming handsome as can be, but he has a heart of pure gold I get to reside in.

3) Reading our Wedding Vows- And the whole Ceremony

When I describe our ceremony, I am happy to say it was 100% refection of us. We knew that we wanted our ceremony to really describe us as a couple, and our goals and promises to each other for the future.
One of the first things we told our officiant is how we really base our relationship out of friendship, because we are friends first. We are each others biggest cheerleaders, but we also call each other out on things when needed.
When it came time to write our wedding vows, we knew we wanted to write our own, and decided to wait until the wedding day to read them out loud to each other. I personally went back and forth on this because I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a blubbering mess, but then I also knew that they would mean everything to hear them from Daniel on our special day, and to also say mine.
We made each other laugh, and cry, but in that moment I really didn’t feel or see anybody else around me, and just the man standing across from me.

4) Our First Dance

When it came time to decide on our first dance there were so many song options that I loved. We didn’t really have a couple song, because I love all things pop and my husband usually listens to metal music. However, there was one song I felt really summed up us with how we felt about each other. It’s called “Take My Hand (The Wedding Song)” by Emily Hackett. I always felt like the female lead lyrics I wrote myself, and like the males lyrics described Daniel’s feelings.
We didn’t take dance lessons or anything because we just wanted to enjoy the moment together. It was absolutely one of my favorite moments of the day because I could just be in that moment with my love, and process the fact we were married.
In that moment I wasn’t worried or stressed about what was next, and also forgot we were in a barn full of people. All that mattered in that moment was being able to embrace my love and just feel safe in his arms for a few moments.

5) Dance with My Parents

Ever since I watched the movie “What a Girl Wants” with Amanda Bynes I always knew I wanted a father daughter dance at my wedding. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to dance with my father on my special day. I found an acoustic cover by Paul Canning of “Sweet Child of Mine” by Guns N’ Roses, which happens to be his ringtone for when he calls me.
Something I kept thinking of is how I wanted to involve my mom in the father daughter dance because she raised me as well, and deserved to feel special. My dad was all for it so we plotted what part of the song we would grab my mom to join us.
It caught her and the whole crowd off guard, and I don’t think my mom has ever smiled so big before. Both me and Dad loved sharing that moment with her, and she deserved it.

Looking back on my wedding day it really was a fairytale in so many ways. I love how we incorporated so much of who we were as both individuals and as a couple, and all the little easter eggs we hid within it.

Overall I look back and remember being ecstatic, joyful, and in the moment on my wedding day. Everyone told us prior to enjoy it because it goes by so quickly, so I purposely did everything I could to savor it. They were right and the day, whole weekend, and these first two years really passed by so quickly.

It was a Dandie Wedding, and so far we are living happily ever after.


Spotify Wedding Playlists:

Getting Ready

Dandie Special Moments

Dandie Reception