Author: Jodie Parris

The Journey Home: 9 Month Reflection Part 2

The Journey Home: 9 Month Reflection Part 2

When it came to figuring out what was causing my depression and what would make me happy again, there were a lot of things that came to mind. It was personal and professional life satisfaction. It was about being more aware of the deepest and 

The Journey Home: 9 Month Reflection Part 1

The Journey Home: 9 Month Reflection Part 1

Since my last post I have been debating about sharing this part of  the journey, and honestly parts of me still are debating. It is raw, vulnerable, emotional, and deep. It is me at my worst, which I don’t always like showing or sharing with 

My 6th Celiac Birthday

My 6th Celiac Birthday

Well, it has been 6 YEARS since I started my gluten free life due to my celiac disease diagnosis, which means it is time to celebrate another year of Gluten Freedom! It is crazy to think about what all has happened in the past six 

The Journey Home: 6 Month Reflection

The Journey Home: 6 Month Reflection

We have hit the 6 month mark my friends! I truly can’t believe how fast it has gone by. Just like that summer is behind us, the new school year has started, and fall is quickly approaching. Can I just say I am PUMPED to 

The Challenge at the Highlands 5k

The Challenge at the Highlands 5k

Going into the summer season my friends and I signed up for three 5K’s to run. The main one we signed up and was training for was the Highlands Twilight 5K on August 19th. My friends and I really wanted to make it an all 

My Solar Eclipse Experience

My Solar Eclipse Experience

  Today I witnessed the great American Eclipse. The only word I can truly use to describe what I thought and felt was AMAZING! I was completely in awe….. I am very lucky, blessed, and fortunate that I was in 100% Totality zone for the