Author: Jodie Parris

Throwback Thursday: The Dark Side of Celiac Disease

Throwback Thursday: The Dark Side of Celiac Disease

Even though most days I put on a brave face there are hard days when I just want to be cold and bitter about my Celiac Disease Diagnosis. Managing a disease that nobody sees on the outside is NOT easy! There are days, moments, and 

Graduation Vibes

Graduation Vibes

  It is that time of year when you see cap, gowns, and hear the lovely Graduation music.  Anybody else think of the Vitamin C song?!?! If not take a listen and get into the graduation mood.  The other day while getting my daily Facebook 

Throwback Thursday: The Celiac Rules

Throwback Thursday: The Celiac Rules

Read about some of my “Celiac Rules” that I use to help keep me safe, but also things you can do to keep family, friends, co-workers, and guests safe when accommodating a Celiac.  As always if you have questions feel free to email me!   

That One time I ate Gluten…The Horror that Followed

That One time I ate Gluten…The Horror that Followed

I have been gluten free for almost 6 years so you would think that I have this lifestyle pretty much perfected. However, that statement is so wrong! Every time I tell someone new about my Celiac Disease the question that always comes up is “what 

Throwback Thursday: Life Before it Was Gluten Free

Throwback Thursday: Life Before it Was Gluten Free

I developed a Celiac Blog a few years ago to utilize for Celiac Awareness Month. However, since my blog has launched this March I have decided to post items on here instead. I still wanted to shed some light one what I wrote on my 

Celiac Awareness Month 2017

Celiac Awareness Month 2017

HELLO MAY!!! This time of year is great because it is a cross between Spring and Summer. The sun is shining, the temperature is rising, the grills are going, and you know the long days of summer are upon us. For me May is a