Author: Jodie Parris

Dandie Wedding: 301 Days to Go

Dandie Wedding: 301 Days to Go

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe August has hit us already?!?! Some families are already back into school mode. Working in higher education to me the school year starts come August 1st, or sometimes even in mid-July. Going into this week I knew it 

2 Years in Counseling: A Reflection

2 Years in Counseling: A Reflection

Hello my loyal readers! It’s been a little bit in regards to posting with preparing for my girls trip to the Outer Banks, and things with work picking up right away once I got back. After not traveling anywhere far in a year I was 

Dandie Wedding: 337 Days to Go

Dandie Wedding: 337 Days to Go

Hello my loyal readers! I hope you have had a great week and that this post finds you well. I am counting down my final more week of work until I get to go to the Outer Banks with my girlfriends. We are taking my 

What Solo Living Taught Me

What Solo Living Taught Me

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it is already July?!? This summer is going by so quickly and I feel like July is gonna go insanely fast and it will be back to school time. Later this month I am going to be out 

My Day Job in Student Affairs

My Day Job in Student Affairs

Hello my loyal readers! It is crazy to think this is the last Friday of June. Where is the time going?!?! I hope you all are enjoying this first official day of summer. What are some of your summer plans? Any cool trips or projects? 

Sunscreen Everyday- A Brand that Makes it Fun and Easy

Sunscreen Everyday- A Brand that Makes it Fun and Easy

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this blog post finds you well and soaking in some rays of sunshine wherever you are located at. We have had a gorgeous week where I am at and Sunday will be the first official day of summer. Beside