Author: Jodie Parris

My Day Job in Student Affairs

My Day Job in Student Affairs

Hello my loyal readers! It is crazy to think this is the last Friday of June. Where is the time going?!?! I hope you all are enjoying this first official day of summer. What are some of your summer plans? Any cool trips or projects? 

Sunscreen Everyday- A Brand that Makes it Fun and Easy

Sunscreen Everyday- A Brand that Makes it Fun and Easy

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this blog post finds you well and soaking in some rays of sunshine wherever you are located at. We have had a gorgeous week where I am at and Sunday will be the first official day of summer. Beside 

Dandie Wedding: 365 Days to Go!

Dandie Wedding: 365 Days to Go!

Hello my loyal readers! Happy June! Can you believe we are basically halfway through this calendar year already? Like so many others I absolutely love the summer season. One of the things I absolutely love about the month of June is how it is wedding 

Dating a person with Celiac Disease

Dating a person with Celiac Disease

Hello my loyal readers! Today is the last day in May, which is so hard to believe. Did the month completely fly by for anybody else? Throughout this month we have been focusing on Mental Health and Celiac Disease Awareness. I have been raising awareness 

Fighting Depression For The First Time: A Personal Story

Fighting Depression For The First Time: A Personal Story

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this blog post finds you happy, healthy, and well. Can you believe we are already halfway through May. It is always one of the quickest months of the year to me, as well as August. Maybe it is because 

Three questions for the newly engaged: What I wish I had been asked

Three questions for the newly engaged: What I wish I had been asked

Background Photo by Brett Garwood on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! How are you doing on this day in May? For all my colleagues who work in higher education we are in countdown mode until the semester is finished. This school year has certainly been one to remember