Author: Jodie Parris

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash When COVID-19 hit in 2020, gyms closed down and millions of people were forced to start working out from home. Some people modified their fitness routine and goals, while others abandoned their fitness routine completely. For myself the pandemic did not really 

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

Background Photo by Joshua Bedford on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! Happy January 2021! I cannot believe it is a new year already. Last year felt like forever, but at the same time it passed by so quickly. I hope you all had a great holiday season and 

Reflecting on my 20’s: My quarter life crisis changed everything

Reflecting on my 20’s: My quarter life crisis changed everything

Two weeks ago I got to celebrate the ending of my 20’s and the start of my 30’s.That day my fiancé and I went on a nice four mile hike, and that night I had a socially distant and safe bonfire with my family and 

Embrace the Change like leaves in the Fall

Embrace the Change like leaves in the Fall

I can not believe it is already nearing the end of October. It seems like yesterday the countdown to Fall was on as the last days of summer came our way. August hit and just like that two months of life has passed us by. 

Introducing Real Talk

Introducing Real Talk

Hello my loyal readers!This post is a little different than what I usually write on here because it is the premiere of a new category of postings here on Impact, Influence, and Inspire. It is called “Real Talk.” I have been thinking about creating a 

Vacation 2020: Hilton Head, SC

Vacation 2020: Hilton Head, SC

Wow, I can’t believe it is August already! Soon the days of summer will be behind us and we will be starting another school year. Last month my boyfriend and I went on vacation to Hilton Head, South Carolina.It was very needed during this crazy