Author: Jodie Parris

Finding “Big Magic” in Writing: A Book Review

Finding “Big Magic” in Writing: A Book Review

You ever feel like you were meant to find a book? I know I have! There have been countless times when I have been wanting or yearning for a type of book to walk into my life and it does at the most perfect time. 

Boundaries are Important

Boundaries are Important

Right now the message we are getting everywhere we go is that boundaries are important. We are hearing the words “social distancing” and “six feet” as the COVID-19 pandemic overtakes our world.This is not going to be a post fully about the pandemic. I think 

Reflection by the Lake

Reflection by the Lake

During my work trip to Raleigh this past fall I spent a lot of time by myself, reflecting on everything in life. I can’t recall the last time I just sat down and truly looked inward. I found myself feeling lucky and almost overwhelmed to 

The Tale of Dandie

The Tale of Dandie

Hello my loyal readers! It has been a long time since I posted last. Well over a year actually!! I did not mean to go MIA, but other things in life stole my attention, both good and bad, and I needed to just tend to 

New Year…New Platform: From Weebly to WordPress

New Year…New Platform: From Weebly to WordPress

It is crazy to think that it has been a year since I decided to finally take the plunge and start a blog. I had been debating about starting a blog since before I attended graduate school, but I had no idea what I would 

The Journey Home: 9 Month Reflection Part 3

The Journey Home: 9 Month Reflection Part 3

My graduate school advisor, supervisor, and mentor has always talked about the importance of taking care of yourself in the field of work I am in. To take care of yourself meant that you were taking care of students, because you would then be able