Dandie Wedding: 232 Days to go!

Dandie Wedding: 232 Days to go!

Hello my loyal readers! It’s been a few weeks since my last blog post, and over a month since my last wedding planning post. My fiancĂ© and I have been working so hard on the wedding the past couple of weeks and doing our best 

Dandie Wedding: 274 Days to go!

Dandie Wedding: 274 Days to go!

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it’s already September? The month of August always feels long because the days are exhausting and long within themselves. School goes back in and we are in a sea of changes, with both the seasons and life in 

Dandie Wedding: 301 Days to Go

Dandie Wedding: 301 Days to Go

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe August has hit us already?!?! Some families are already back into school mode. Working in higher education to me the school year starts come August 1st, or sometimes even in mid-July. Going into this week I knew it 

Dandie Wedding: 337 Days to Go

Dandie Wedding: 337 Days to Go

Hello my loyal readers! I hope you have had a great week and that this post finds you well. I am counting down my final more week of work until I get to go to the Outer Banks with my girlfriends. We are taking my 

Dandie Wedding: 365 Days to Go!

Dandie Wedding: 365 Days to Go!

Hello my loyal readers! Happy June! Can you believe we are basically halfway through this calendar year already? Like so many others I absolutely love the summer season. One of the things I absolutely love about the month of June is how it is wedding