Dandie Wedding: 274 Days to go!

Dandie Wedding: 274 Days to go!

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it’s already September? The month of August always feels long because the days are exhausting and long within themselves. School goes back in and we are in a sea of changes, with both the seasons and life in general. I am writing this post on the evening of Labor Day, and my goodness was this day off needed for me. Earlier today I told my fiancĂ© how this week will be the first week in six weeks I will be working at 40 hours or less.

“You don’t realize how tired you are getting until you take a day off to recoup and recalibrate.”

Over the past few weeks I took a break from both blogging and wedding planning. With the overwhelming amount of work I had in my professional life I knew I needed to lighten my load in my personal life. I even got off my routine of doing my strength workouts, which never really happens but some evenings I was just beyond tired to do a hard workout. I would still get my 10,000 steps a day and did every yoga practice in “Cultivate” by Yoga with Adriene.

One of the last things I did with wedding planning prior to my little break was visit a florist to discuss what I was thinking in regards to my flower arrangements.

Roses are Red and Violets are Blue

Going into wedding planning visiting the florist was probably one of the things I was intimidated about the most. I love flowers, but I’ll admit I don’t know much about them and am always amazed when I find a way not to completely kill my flowers within a day of having them.

On and off throughout the past few months I have spent countless hours on Pinterest looking for some inspiration, researching what flowers were in season in June, and seeing what kinds of questions to ask prior to the appointment. Going into it I felt as prepared as I could be and even saved some photos on my phone to reference during the appointment. Mainly photos of the boutonnieres and the overall look of what I am going for with my bouquet.

“I realized at the end of the appointment that I actually felt like a bride to be for the first time since my engagement, and that this moment in life was real and not just a figment of my imagination.”

The florist gave me some flowers to take home with me that weekend!

I think it is easy while wedding planning to get so focused on building out the event that you forget to allow yourself to enjoy the journey towards it. This is partially why I am wanting to capture all the in’s and out’s of planning my wedding here on the blog. I know how easy it’s for me in particular to get tunnel vision and in the future, and not always be present and in the moment with life.

“Going to the flower shop that day I had intentions of lining up another vendor of ours for the big day and checking off one more thing. However, I left feeling more bridal than I could have ever imagined.”

Wedding planning is hard, full of emotions, and a constant navigation of different waters with each decision you make. With most things in life it is about finding joy and inspiration in the little things. Visiting the florist was certainly something I needed to keep me inspired and joyful in this journey I am on towards saying “I do.”

Where we at with planning now?

We are closing in on almost having all our vendors lined up, and I am excited because I feel like I can start getting to the fun part with bringing the event to life more so. When it comes to event planning I have always loved the little details and making the event feel special. Some little details I am mainly looking forward to is bringing our wedding reception to life, particularly our centerpieces since I have a very sentimental idea for them. I plan to go to our venue in December to look and see what all decorations they have to choose from so I can start shopping as needed and envisioning the space a little easier. I am also very excited about putting together my bridal look and FINALLY going wedding dress shopping these next few months!

Going into this month I am trying to ease back into wedding planning the best I can. The two vendors we have left are a DJ and an Officiant. We have solid leads on both but we need to solidify and see if they are available that weekend in June. Hopefully we will start the process with one or both of these over these next few weeks.

Well readers there is your Dandie Wedding update! This past month we didn’t do much in regards to planning, but I needed this time to just be and soak in this season of life I am in.

This season of life is special and it should be enjoyed to its absolute fullest.

Until next time,

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