Dandie Wedding: 301 Days to Go

Dandie Wedding: 301 Days to Go

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe August has hit us already?!?! Some families are already back into school mode. Working in higher education to me the school year starts come August 1st, or sometimes even in mid-July. Going into this week I knew it would be an over 40 hour work week, and in the weeks to come I expect something similar.

To take care of myself during this busy time this will more than likely be my last post for the month of August. I will keep posting my monday quotes and reflection as a way of keeping you all inspired on the Instagram page. What do you think of these? Do you enjoy them or are they kind of just there for you? Is there anything else you would like to see more of? Let me know in the comments or send me an email at impactinfluenceinspire.blog@gmail.com.

We are living in uncertain times my friends, especially with the delta variant picking up with the pandemic and things going a few steps backwards. I had my first official freak out moment this past week with what if the pandemic makes us have to postpone our wedding? My partner and I both take the pandemic seriously. We both are fully vaccinated, and didn’t see our family that often in 2020. We would never want to put anybody in danger but we also want to have a wedding. Hopefully things will calm down, especially with potential booster shots in the near future.

So lets focus on the good, juicy, and happy stuff….wedding planning.

Where we at with planning?

We have been very productive the past few weeks!

Before I headed to the beach we ordered our “Save the Dates” from Vistaprint. They have the most frequent sales and were very affordable. I also felt like they had the most options to choose from with their pre-made templates. We even treated ourselves to some return address labels so that we wouldn’t have to write out things so many times.

When we started wedding planning I had imagined getting our stationary from The Knot, especially since we are using it as a platform for our wedding website and all things wedding planning. I wanted things to match or at least compliment each other when it came to our stationary and wedding website. However, as a bride on a budget you gotta cut wherever you can. Vistaprint was a great middle ground and I was able to find a “Save the Date” template that worked with our website theme as well.

This past weekend we got our “Save the Dates” addressed and in the mail, which felt like a huge accomplishment to me. We are ten months out from the wedding, and typically you send the “save dates” anywhere from six to twelve months prior. Just kind of depends on timing of things. June being a popular vacation month I knew we needed to get them in the mail sooner rather than later so people could mark their calendars.

I joked with my best friends, and bridesmaids, that sending the “save the dates” made the wedding actually feel real to me. It makes it feel like it is a day that is actually going to happen and is not just a figment of my imagination. I have planned and coordinated events before at work, but I have never planned an event like this.

“Planning a wedding is emotionally hard work.”

With each decision we make it feels like we have to take a thousand things (and opinions) into account.

Does this particular thing fit the overall theme?

How will these things compliment each other?

Will this person be offended if I don’t invite them?

What does this choice and decision say about us?

What are they gonna think about this?

If there is one thing I have learned very quickly throughout the past few months of planning our wedding, it is that people are opinionated and like to give their input, even if you aren’t really seeking either of those things.

It is honestly difficult to not get weighed down by the thoughts and opinions of others. This is especially true when they come from the people that you wouldn’t expect, or if they are delivered in a negative and degrading way to you and the day you are planning for yourself.

Some people have deeply hurt me throughout this process. They have done a really good job of stealing some of my joy from this season of life I am in, and from planning the day I have been imaging since I was five years old. People who makes a bride to be feel bad about the vision she has planned should take a hard look in the mirror, and remember what the wedding day is truly about.

“Weddings are the celebration of the bride and groom…period.”

I know this post wasn’t full blown super happy and glowy, but I have always prided myself on being truthful and transparent with all of you. To be clear I am LOVING planning my wedding and bringing the day I have imagined to life. It is a fun thing to talk about with my partner, and he has been a huge help with helping me work on things and supporting me emotionally through everything. However, I have also had some hard bumps along the way, more emotional bumps than anything, and I feel most brides do. This should be talked about and expressed.

We are at a pretty solid place with our wedding planning as of right now. This Friday I am going to meet with a florist with my mom, and hopefully get a better idea in regards to how much flowers are going to cost us for our day. Thankfully our venue has a lot of beauty to it, and I am not fully against having some fake floral arrangements here and there to save some money.

In the coming month we may just be tying up loose ends and seeing where we are at with our budget a little bit more. We hope to start making plans for our honeymoon soon, but a lot depends on what we are looking at money wise. I also still need to solidify some wedding and liability insurance, so going to be researching that as well.

For the next few weeks though I am going to do my best to take a pause on wedding planning and blogging. I need the extra energy to take care of me right now with the season my work life is right now, so I will be back in September with more blog posts and wedding updates for you all though!

Until next time,

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