Dating a person with Celiac Disease

Dating a person with Celiac Disease

Hello my loyal readers! Today is the last day in May, which is so hard to believe. Did the month completely fly by for anybody else?

Throughout this month we have been focusing on Mental Health and Celiac Disease Awareness. I have been raising awareness during Celiac Disease Awareness Month for 10 years now. One topic that I have always wanted to cover is dating and living with someone with Celiac Disease.

“When I was first diagnosed I immediately thought about how it was going to change my dating life and the life of my future partner. “

Managing celiac while dating certainly adds an extra layer of concern and expectation when choosing who to partner up with. You need someone patient, understanding, and supportive when it comes to your dietary needs and will not complain about the fact you have the disease. I will say it certainly helps you distinguish the princes from the frogs.

When thinking about how I wanted to approach this topic for the blog I thought about how I wanted to interview my partner. Instead of taking a writing approach I thought it would be fun to record a video interview for you.

The interview is broken into two parts due to the size of the video and WordPress not being to happy about it However all together it is less than ten minutes.

We hope that you gained some insight into what it is like to date and live with someone who has Celiac Disease. Major props to my fiancé for letting me put him in the hot seat with answering these questions, as well as being a major part of helping me manage my celiac life.

Your friend,

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