Finding my “Breath” in a 30 Day Yoga Journey

Finding my “Breath” in a 30 Day Yoga Journey

Hello my loyal readers!

I can not believe it is February already! Did January pass by really quick or was that just for me?
It was a whirlwind with returning back to work after the holidays, and starting work on some of the goals I have for this upcoming year, but we made it!

This year I started the month of January with setting out on a 30 Day Yoga Journey called Breath with Adriene Mishler from Yoga with Adriene. This was a virtual at home yoga challenge that was free for all who completed it.
The first time I participated in a 30 Day Yoga Challenge was in January of 2016 for Revolution. I cannot believe that this was my sixth 30 day yoga challenge, and that Adriene has been a part of my life for that many years.

In this post I wanted to talk about my journey throughout the 30 Days of Yoga, what I took away from it, and what I am planning to do next.

Photo credit to Yoga with Adriene

Why I participated in this 30 Day Journey:

As you all hopefully know by now, I love working out and taking the time for myself to focus on my physical fitness. Moving your body, and keeping it strong and healthy is so important to be able to go through life at your best.

For me working out is not just about my physical health and fitness, but also how I deal with daily life stress and cope with the demands it brings sometimes.

Where yoga fits into the picture is that its the workout for my soul.

Over the past six years I have discovered that I am truly at my best when I am dedicating myself to a daily yoga practice.

“Yoga has helped me manage my anxiety and depression better, to learn to let go and just be in the moment, and makes me feel more graceful within life as a whole.”

Prior to this challenge I really was not doing yoga regularly. I maybe made it to my mat once a week, if that sometimes.

I had started a new role at work in the later months of 2020, got engaged, and then the holiday season kicked off.
I knew I needed to do yoga but I was riding high on the wave of what life had brought me, which I am grateful for.

I knew underneath the service I was not balanced. I was letting everything send me over the edge with my anxiety, and my depression was really making it hard to enjoy the season of life I was in.

When the 30 day yoga journey came around the corner I knew I needed to dedicate myself to it, because my soul needed it and I knew Adriene would not let me down.

How I stayed motivated:

Starting any new thing is hard in life, especially something you plan to do everyday.

The first two weeks to me are always easier because you have the enthusiasm and momentum of something new pushing you. When week three comes it is always the make it or break it week. This makes sense because you are closing in on that magical 21st day, which is often referenced as how many days it takes to build a habit.

Going into the challenge I did what I always did, and printed off the calendar and placed it in on the fridge. I do this because I go to the fridge multiple times a day, so it was a nice reminder to help me stay focused. It also was a way for my fiancé to help me stay accountable by asking me when I was planning to do yoga.

I decided that I was going to do my yoga practice from 9-10 at night. This is always the time of day I am mostly done with everything in the evening and have the time to focus on checking in with myself, and calming down from the day.

I also opened up a facebook group to my friends to join if they wanted to participate in the journey with me. I did this a few years ago with True and everyone seemed to really appreciate it.

After 2020 I felt like it was important to not only invite people onto the journey, but to help them stick with it as well.

What my biggest observation was during the month:

Throughout the month my biggest observation and takeaway was how this was the first challenge I was not fighting myself on to complete.

I have participated in the 30 Day Yoga Challenge for six years, and out of those six years I have only completed the full thirty days twice prior to this challenge.

To me this was the easiest challenge to make it through, even though life was very busy and stressful during January.

My first week back to work and in the challenge, I worked 50 hours and barely had time to be at home in the first place.
I was beyond proud of myself for making it through such a hard work week and for making it to my mat everyday.

Adriene always says that “half the battle is making it there,” which I have found to be insanely true throughout the past few years.

I think truly dedicating myself to the practice and the journey for the month really helped me carry through with it, especially during that first week.

Deep down I needed this yoga journey, and all the good that would come from it, including working towards and being the best version of me.

“I wanted to feel good and I knew dedicating to a daily yoga practice would help me achieve that. “

What I plan to do next:

Throughout the past few years I have said I will continue on with my yoga practice into the next month, will take a day “off” as a reward, and that day off will turn into more days off.
This time though I am planning to push through and re-dedicate myself to my practice for the month of February.

February 2021 monthly yoga calendar provided by Yoga with Adriene.

For years I have thought about wanting to do yoga everyday for a whole year. I may not be fully ready for that kind of commitment, but in my heart I have placed my yoga practice right underneath my step goal everyday, so it is pretty high up there on the dedication level.

I am the better version of me when I am practicing on a regular basis, and I want to keep discovering and being that version of myself.

I want to be the best version of myself for the people I love and care about.

For the students I interact with.

Furthermore… I want to be the best version of me for myself.

I hope you all enjoyed reading about my 30 Day Yoga Journey and what I took away from it. Hopefully it inspires you to either take a 30 Day Yoga Journey yourself, or to just prioritize your health.

Throughout the month I recorded some weekly Instagram TV videos about how the week was for me, and what I was thinking about and meditating on.

Have you ever committed yourself to a 30 Day Challenge? If so what was it? Did you notice any benefits of what it added to your life? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

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