Graduation Vibes

Graduation Vibes


It is that time of year when you see cap, gowns, and hear the lovely Graduation music.  Anybody else think of the Vitamin C song?!?! If not take a listen and get into the graduation mood. 

The other day while getting my daily Facebook fix I saw on my timeline that two years ago I graduated with my M.Ed. Some days I still can’t believe it and I have to pinch myself knowing that I achieved something I worked towards for six straight long years. However, there was also another realization I made this past week.

Since my High School graduation I have had a graduation ceremony every two years. I attended a Community College for two years, attended a four year Institution for two years, and attended a different four year Institution for two more years. After each educational journey I had participated as a student in a graduation. However, this year marks two years and I am not partaking in graduation festivities. Now I am not sad by any means that I am not partaking in a graduation! Truth be told that as much as I love school I was horribly burnt out on it by the time I had my third graduation obtaining my M.Ed. However, being my reflective and introspective self all the graduation vibes has me thinking about how far I have came, and looking towards where I am going.

It is crazy to think that I am back working for the institution where I graduated from six years ago. On my graduation day I never thought I would be back working as a Career Counselor, and helping students find their passion and helping them follow their bliss. I never imagined that by this time in life I would have lived in three different states, traveled to cities I never planned on, meet people from all over the states, have experiences that were life changing, and learn from some influential people in the field of Higher Education. Not to mention having some of my wildest dreams come true like going to Disney World, appearing on TV, and having a publication to my name.

You see graduation is a ceremony that encompasses so many things. It is about reflecting on the past and the journey you took to get to that point, but having hope towards the future and the confidence that you can handle whatever life throws you. I would love to say that I felt this way on my graduation days, and I did to a degree, but something else I felt was FEAR.

Fear is a nasty thing! If we are not careful we can let it run our lives, and control everything about us. Before we know it we wake up realizing we did not take in the moment that life handed us. We realize that we stayed in our safety zone and did not actually LIVE the moment. Now, I am not saying you have to go out and skydive and go crazy, but I am saying to embrace the fear.

Like most people I have my own fears that I deal with. Some of my biggest ones are fear of failure, fear of getting hurt, the fear of never being enough, fear of the unknown, fear of being alone, and the fear of not mattering in this world. Now, these fears are a great motivator or they can be a great way to avoid growing and pushing outside the comfort zone. It is all about your perspective and attitude.

So to all the graduates, or even people like me who are reflecting, remember your journey and the strength it took to get to where you are at. Take a moment and give yourself a high five, pat on the back, or buy yourself a little something nice. Prepare yourself to feel infinite! However, know that fear and self-doubt will try and creep back in. Embrace the fear, and remember you have the strength and perseverance to get through what you are facing because you made it to your graduation day.

You never know where life is going to take you, or the person you will uncover within yourself along the way. Don’t be afraid of the changes life will throw at you. Don’t be afraid of the hard times that life can sometimes bring. Don’t be afraid of feeling a little lost, because sometimes you have to feel lost so you can find yourself again. Believe that everything you have went through in life has prepared you to handle those hard moments. That you are stronger than you think and more capable than you can imagine. Follow your heart and never lose sight of your bliss.
