Introducing Real Talk

Introducing Real Talk

Hello my loyal readers!
This post is a little different than what I usually write on here because it is the premiere of a new category of postings here on Impact, Influence, and Inspire.

It is called “Real Talk.”

I have been thinking about creating a third category on this blog space for a while, and really since I launched the blog back in 2017. A name I thought about was “Musings from my Soul,” but my boyfriend said to not name the category that, which he was right. Even though I can group everything into my “Jodie’s World” category, I wanted a dedicated space where I can voice my opinions and deepest thoughts in regards to certain topics, especially lessons learned from the past.

We all have a past and lessons from periods of life. Experiences that we learned and grew from that shaped us into the people we are today.
I am a firm believer in reflecting and learning from these lessons and I want to share them with the world.

When reflecting and thinking about what “Real Talk” meant to me, these are the statements that came to mind:

Real talk is when you are 100% truthful to yourself and to others.

It is when you are authentic in the thoughts and opinions you have, and brave enough to actually give them.

It is when personal vulnerability meets questioning for the common good of others.

Where you voice your opinion, even if in that moment you feel alone in the thought process.

When you question what makes you comfortable and challenge yourself to become uncomfortable.

It is about going back and reflecting on the past in hopes that you will learn the lesson and grow into the person you are meant to be.

It is about letting go of the lesson because you do not need to hold on to it anymore because you have already transformed.

Real talk is about the past, talking about the lessons, and presenting them to the world as wisdom; a place to discuss and reassure those that are in the same season in life that they are not alone in this journey.

I look forward to expanding and growing in this new category on the blog, and having the opportunity to deliver deeper and more opinionated content for all of you.

As always, if there is anything you want to see more of, feel free to comment or email me at

Until next time,

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