Introduction to Lifestyle

Introduction to Lifestyle

What is a lifestyle?

If you google the definition for it you will find the following:


Noun: The typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture

Adjective: Associated with, reflecting, or promoting an enhanced or more desirable lifestyle

Merriam Webster Dictionary

When thinking about my “catch all” category for this blog I wanted something that would capture what my current and present life. Health is certainly a cornerstone of the blog, because I believe in the power of feeling good from the inside out and what that can do for your life. I also believe that reflecting on our past and getting “real” with our inner dialogue helps shape our current and future lives.

My lifestyle is every changing and evolving with me as I go from one season of life to the next. I want and need a place to capture that in realtime. A few years ago I started building a life with my husband, became more of a reader, and always doing some kind of work in self-improvement. On the rare occasion I get to travel, but most of the time I put my energy and money into creating a home I love.

This is a lifestyle blog from a personal blog lens.