So what is “Jodie’s World”

My family has always joked with me about my alternate reality of “Jodie’s World.” It started when I was younger. I would typically zone out and be stuck in my own head day dreaming about anything and everything.
I like to think and say that I am a relentless dreamer. I have always liked believing in happy endings and fairy tales. That nothing is impossible in this world as long as you have faith, hard work, and a little bit of luck. Disney certainly ruined me! Even though I am 26 years old I feel like I am just still a little child inside. I still believe in the beauty of impossible things becoming a reality. Honestly, if I didn’t believe in these things I don’t think I would be the real me. For years I have been trying to fit into this mold of growing up and being an adult. I know that I have to because I can’t fight becoming an adult forever, and there are benefits to growing up, but at the same time does that mean I have to let go of my inner child that is always inspire? Does that mean I can’t embrace my inner dreamer? That I can’t be that person who believes in everything being a possibility?
Some people who read this will snicker and laugh thinking I am just another millennial who was raised in the participation trophy days, thinking anything is possible for me. Some will think I am delusional and in denial about the reality of the world we live in. Some will want to throw facts and figures in front of me and list me the million in one ways things are not always possible. My biggest question to the critics will be how do you know if it is not possible if you do not even try?
I think when we grow up into our Adult counterparts we become bitter because so many things in life have not worked out the way we planned. We become uninspired. We are so bogged down with our adult lives and “adulting” that we forget to keep dreaming of what we want out of our lives. For me this is something I never want to experience.
I want to keep dreaming, keep pursuing, and keep chasing my dreams with passion and perseverance.
Placing hope in a dream can be a fragile thing. You don’t want to put all your hopes into it in case it doesn’t come true, but you also don’t want to have doubt in it because then you may not pursue it fully. It all comes back to faith with this. Faith that what will be will be. Faith that what works out and doesn’t is all for a reason greater than what we may ever know. Faith that something good will come out of it regardless of the result.
My faith has always been rooted in God. I don’t define myself as a particular believer but I do believe. My facebook even says I am more spiritual than religious. To me God is the dream maker. He is the person that made me the way that I am. He is the person that placed certain desires in my heart, and he is the one that helps me pursue and reach them. Some I don’t reach, but I would say most of them I have so far to a certain degree. The biggest one would be me getting my Master’s Degree. There were a million and one reasons I should have never been able to achieve that degree.There was 2,190 days in college I could have thrown my hands up and given up on it. Even though it has almost been two years I still pinch myself to make sure I am actually awake and in reality with a Master’s Degree to my name. Not asleep in the library just dreaming about it.
Looking back on how I got to that accomplishment there was never an easy straight path. It was twisted, curvy, and had its ups and downs. Looking at the type of student I was before college and my background the odds were certainly not in my favor. However, those facts and figures never mattered. All that mattered was if I believed in myself enough to pursue it. If I was willing to work hard enough to make it happen. Most importantly was did I believe that I deserved that dream coming true? Did I picture myself living that dream?
For me “Jodie’s World” is my escape to where I dream all of my dreams. Where I write my stories of how my biggest hopes and dreams become reality. Where I imagine a life that I have always wanted. That is what “my world” is all about!
The best part is that we all have this world inside of ourselves….we simply just need to open up that door of positive thinking and believing.
Now this blog page is not going to be about me sharing all my dreams with you that run through my mind (how boring and self centered would that be). But it is a place where I hope you get inspired to ask, believe, and achieve your own dreams. That you feel like it is okay for you to create your own space where you really can dream those impossible dreams. That you feel safe to do that knowing that someone who may be older, younger, or your age is like that as well. For the longest time I felt ashamed to be the way that I am. Like it wasn’t and I wasn’t normal to dream in such a “childish” way.This made me lack confidence and feel completely disconnected from everyone in my actual real world. It is a realization I made last year in what I will deem the year of “deep thinking and reflecting.”
The beauty in children though is that they do believe in the light and not the darkness. They believe in the good and not the bad in people. They believe in possibility and not limits.
Currently in life, I am just trying to find balance between my dream world and working towards things, while also existing in the present real world and life that I live. Yoga is a great help with this and I hope to incorporate it more into my life! Last year, and the past few years really, I have discovered that I can’t truly be happy and the real me if I don’t have my dream world. I can’t be happy if I don’t embrace my inner child who still believes in the magic and beauty in the world. Who believes in her dreams becoming a reality someday.
So “Jodie’s World” is about bridging the inner dream world and the real world. It is about pursuing the dreams of the future, while also enjoying the present moments and being grateful for where I am currently at. It is about appreciating what is in the past, and finding the bravery to look forward to the future. It is about the tools, resources, books, movies, music, guides, quotes, and everything in between to stay inspired in life and really just HAPPY. It is about falling in love with the journey and documenting it along the way. It is about creating a “safe haven” for those relentless dreamers who are sick of being told “no you can’t”, or “that will never happen for you.”
Living a life where you never dream is hardly living at all. The worst thing we could ever do is be content in life. It means we have stopped wishing, dreaming, and pursuing.
I don’t know about you but I don’t want to live just an “ordinary” life. I want to live an EXTRAordinary life. To many people my life currently looks either ordinary or extraordinary. To me it is a life that I worked incredibly hard for and dreamed about. I am grateful for the life I have, but I will always dream about the life I could potentially have. This fact does not mean that I am unhappy but it also does not mean that I am content in life either.
For me that is the beauty of being a relentless dreamer. You are always looking towards the future and the next best thing in your life. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is. All that matters is if it is something that you truly want, are willing to work for, and believe that you deserve. If you can answer yes to those three questions then there is nothing stopping you!
So who wants to be a “relentless dreamer” with me?