Tag: Celiac Disease

Dating a person with Celiac Disease

Dating a person with Celiac Disease

Hello my loyal readers! Today is the last day in May, which is so hard to believe. Did the month completely fly by for anybody else? Throughout this month we have been focusing on Mental Health and Celiac Disease Awareness. I have been raising awareness 

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2021: We Can’t Stop

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2021: We Can’t Stop

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this post finds you happy, healthy, and well. It is May, which means it is Celiac Disease Awareness Month. You can check out all of my other posts regarding celiac disease here. This is my tenth May raising awareness 

Vacation 2020: Hilton Head, SC

Vacation 2020: Hilton Head, SC

Wow, I can’t believe it is August already! Soon the days of summer will be behind us and we will be starting another school year. Last month my boyfriend and I went on vacation to Hilton Head, South Carolina.It was very needed during this crazy 

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: Community is Everything

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: Community is Everything

Can you believe it is the last day in May? I feel like I say this every year, but May seriously comes and goes by so quickly.I do not know if it flies by because the semester is winding down, and the summer is about 

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: What happens when I eat Gluten?

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: What happens when I eat Gluten?

The question everyone asks me after I tell them of my Celiac Disease and Gluten Free life is, “what happens to you when you eat it?”You have to love the curiosity we humans have sometimes.I do not mind getting asked this question and their curiosity 

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: Now is the time to Advocate

Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2020: Now is the time to Advocate

It is crazy for me to think that this month marks my 9th year of raising awareness during the month of May for Celiac Disease. Some years I have raised more awareness than others, but I always try to spread education, reality checks of life 

My 6th Celiac Birthday

My 6th Celiac Birthday

Well, it has been 6 YEARS since I started my gluten free life due to my celiac disease diagnosis, which means it is time to celebrate another year of Gluten Freedom! It is crazy to think about what all has happened in the past six 

365 Days a Year

365 Days a Year

Well, today is the FINAL day of Celiac Awareness Month and the end of May. Is anyone else just completely shocked that tomorrow is June 1st? Looking back on this past month I am happy that I was able to post more than just once 

The Hardest Part of Celiac Disease Is….

The Hardest Part of Celiac Disease Is….

As we come towards the end of Celiac Awareness Month I felt it was important to share with you what I believe is the hardest part of managing life with Celiac Disease is.  Any guesses?As you have seen in my posts this month there are 

Throwback Thursday: My 5th Celiac Birthday

Throwback Thursday: My 5th Celiac Birthday

For our last Throwback Thursday I figured I would share the post I wrote up on my 5th Year of my Celiac Diagnosis, or what I call my “Celiac Birthday!”. It has been and always is a wild ride in the life of a Celiac.  

Gluten Free Travels

Gluten Free Travels

If there is one thing that I love doing, and majority of people do, it is TRAVELING! Going to a new place, getting away from the ordinary day is exciting and rejuvenating. However, I quickly learned as a Celiac that traveling can be a serious 

Throwback Thursday: The Dark Side of Celiac Disease

Throwback Thursday: The Dark Side of Celiac Disease

Even though most days I put on a brave face there are hard days when I just want to be cold and bitter about my Celiac Disease Diagnosis. Managing a disease that nobody sees on the outside is NOT easy! There are days, moments, and