Tag: Finances

Dandie Wedding: 337 Days to Go

Dandie Wedding: 337 Days to Go

Hello my loyal readers! I hope you have had a great week and that this post finds you well. I am counting down my final more week of work until I get to go to the Outer Banks with my girlfriends. We are taking my 

Becoming a “Rich Bitch” with my Finances

Becoming a “Rich Bitch” with my Finances

Hello my loyal readers! I am so excited to finally be able to tell you about the book that helped me turn my whole financial world, and overall life around. In my first post of this year I discussed how focusing on my financial health 

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

Background Photo by Joshua Bedford on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! Happy January 2021! I cannot believe it is a new year already. Last year felt like forever, but at the same time it passed by so quickly. I hope you all had a great holiday season and