Tag: Fitness

Stepping for Mental Health: Four Year Reflection of 10,000 steps a day!

Stepping for Mental Health: Four Year Reflection of 10,000 steps a day!

Hello my loyal readers! Long time and no new blog postings. Anybody else feeling like life is moving a million miles per minute right now or is that just me? I apologize for being so MIA these days. Between work craziness and planning the wedding, 

Finding my “Breath” in a 30 Day Yoga Journey

Finding my “Breath” in a 30 Day Yoga Journey

Hello my loyal readers! I can not believe it is February already! Did January pass by really quick or was that just for me?It was a whirlwind with returning back to work after the holidays, and starting work on some of the goals I have 

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash When COVID-19 hit in 2020, gyms closed down and millions of people were forced to start working out from home. Some people modified their fitness routine and goals, while others abandoned their fitness routine completely. For myself the pandemic did not really 

The Challenge at the Highlands 5k

The Challenge at the Highlands 5k

Going into the summer season my friends and I signed up for three 5K’s to run. The main one we signed up and was training for was the Highlands Twilight 5K on August 19th. My friends and I really wanted to make it an all 

My First 5K in a Decade

My First 5K in a Decade

Yesterday, July 4th 2017,  was a big day because I finished my first 5K in 10 years! For years I have trained off and on in hopes of lacing up my sneakers and actually running in a 5K event.   However, every time I would