Tag: Home

Managing my household with Tody: A Review

Managing my household with Tody: A Review

Background Photo by Delaney Van on Unsplash; Design by Jodie Parris Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it’s August and school will be back in session. I don’t have any children of my own so I am not in countdown mode until the first day of school 

Finding Our Forever Home

Finding Our Forever Home

Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash and design by Jodie Parris Hello my loyal readers! I hope your Spring is off to a blooming start. I know I have been LOVING all the spring blooms around me, even though my allergies have been miserable this year. Last month 

How I got into non-toxic cleaning and what I use today

How I got into non-toxic cleaning and what I use today

Hello my loyal readers! I hope this post finds you well and slowly adapting to daylight savings time. I know it always takes me a few weeks to get into the swing of things with sleep during the time change, which always makes the first 

Does it Spark Joy? Applying the KonMari Method beyond the home

Does it Spark Joy? Applying the KonMari Method beyond the home

Photo credit to www.konmari.com Hello my loyal readers! It has felt so much like Spring this week where I live and it has made me so happy. I like to think I love all seasons equally, but Spring is a special time in my opinion. 

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash When COVID-19 hit in 2020, gyms closed down and millions of people were forced to start working out from home. Some people modified their fitness routine and goals, while others abandoned their fitness routine completely. For myself the pandemic did not really