Tag: Reflection

You are worthy: My engagement ring story

You are worthy: My engagement ring story

Photo by Brooks Leibee on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! Spring is certainly happening where I live because my allergies have became more active over the past week. I am even starting to get a little color on my arms and legs from my evening walks and runs 

Four Year reflection of the Blogging Life

Four Year reflection of the Blogging Life

Hello my loyal readers! Happy Friday, and the last Friday of the month of March. How can April be coming to us already, and be a quarter through the year of 2021? How is it going for you so far for you? For me it 

One year reflection of the COVID-19 Life

One year reflection of the COVID-19 Life

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it is already March? How is this year flying by already? I don’t know about you but I am excited for the month because Spring will be here soon. Like so many people right now I am reflecting 

Self-Care = Self-Love

Self-Care = Self-Love

Background Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day weekend. Can you believe we are more than halfway through this month already? If you have been following me on the Instagram page, then you know every monday this 

Finding my “Breath” in a 30 Day Yoga Journey

Finding my “Breath” in a 30 Day Yoga Journey

Hello my loyal readers! I can not believe it is February already! Did January pass by really quick or was that just for me?It was a whirlwind with returning back to work after the holidays, and starting work on some of the goals I have 

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

Background Photo by Joshua Bedford on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! Happy January 2021! I cannot believe it is a new year already. Last year felt like forever, but at the same time it passed by so quickly. I hope you all had a great holiday season and 

Reflecting on my 20’s: My quarter life crisis changed everything

Reflecting on my 20’s: My quarter life crisis changed everything

Two weeks ago I got to celebrate the ending of my 20’s and the start of my 30’s.That day my fiancé and I went on a nice four mile hike, and that night I had a socially distant and safe bonfire with my family and 

Embrace the Change like leaves in the Fall

Embrace the Change like leaves in the Fall

I can not believe it is already nearing the end of October. It seems like yesterday the countdown to Fall was on as the last days of summer came our way. August hit and just like that two months of life has passed us by. 

The One Year I Spent in Counseling: Part 2

The One Year I Spent in Counseling: Part 2

Read Part 2 of the one year I spent going to counseling!
Mental Health matters, and we need to treat getting help for it like we would any other disease or illness.

The one year I spent in Counseling-Part 1

The one year I spent in Counseling-Part 1

I can not believe how quick this month has gone by! It seems like it just started, and now we are going into the last weekend of the month of June, and soon heading into the dog days of summer.Our vacation is in three weeks, 

Mid-Year Reflection of 2020

Mid-Year Reflection of 2020

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it is June already? This year is flying by and it has certainly been a bizarre one.Between COVID-19 and all the protests going on the past few weeks, this year has been a heavy one.I do not know 

Reflection by the Lake

Reflection by the Lake

During my work trip to Raleigh this past fall I spent a lot of time by myself, reflecting on everything in life. I can’t recall the last time I just sat down and truly looked inward. I found myself feeling lucky and almost overwhelmed to