Tag: Self-Improvement

How To Be Everything: A Book Review

How To Be Everything: A Book Review

Background Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash; Design by Jodie Parris Follow me on Goodreads Hello my loyal readers and happy September! The temperatures are dropping and I am ready for it! Though I enjoy all seasons, the Fall and Spring seasons are probably two of my favorites, 

2 Years in Counseling: A Reflection

2 Years in Counseling: A Reflection

Hello my loyal readers! It’s been a little bit in regards to posting with preparing for my girls trip to the Outer Banks, and things with work picking up right away once I got back. After not traveling anywhere far in a year I was 

Self-Care = Self-Love

Self-Care = Self-Love

Background Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day weekend. Can you believe we are more than halfway through this month already? If you have been following me on the Instagram page, then you know every monday this 

What I am working towards in 2021

What I am working towards in 2021

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe we are at the end of January already? This month has certainly flown by for me and I am sure many of you can relate. In my first post of the new year and month, I discussed what 

Becoming a “Rich Bitch” with my Finances

Becoming a “Rich Bitch” with my Finances

Hello my loyal readers! I am so excited to finally be able to tell you about the book that helped me turn my whole financial world, and overall life around. In my first post of this year I discussed how focusing on my financial health 

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Top five tips in creating an at home workout routine you will stick with

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash When COVID-19 hit in 2020, gyms closed down and millions of people were forced to start working out from home. Some people modified their fitness routine and goals, while others abandoned their fitness routine completely. For myself the pandemic did not really 

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

How the year 2020 helped me reach my goals

Background Photo by Joshua Bedford on Unsplash Hello my loyal readers! Happy January 2021! I cannot believe it is a new year already. Last year felt like forever, but at the same time it passed by so quickly. I hope you all had a great holiday season and 

The One Year I Spent in Counseling: Part 2

The One Year I Spent in Counseling: Part 2

Read Part 2 of the one year I spent going to counseling!
Mental Health matters, and we need to treat getting help for it like we would any other disease or illness.

The one year I spent in Counseling-Part 1

The one year I spent in Counseling-Part 1

I can not believe how quick this month has gone by! It seems like it just started, and now we are going into the last weekend of the month of June, and soon heading into the dog days of summer.Our vacation is in three weeks,