Tag: Travel

Honeymoon in Puerto Rico

Honeymoon in Puerto Rico

Hello my loyal readers! Can you believe it’s already July, and we are in the long (and hot) dog days of summer? Something I always enjoy this time of year is seeing where everyone goes on their family vacations and trips. This year my husband 

Vacation 2020: Hilton Head, SC

Vacation 2020: Hilton Head, SC

Wow, I can’t believe it is August already! Soon the days of summer will be behind us and we will be starting another school year. Last month my boyfriend and I went on vacation to Hilton Head, South Carolina.It was very needed during this crazy 

Reflection by the Lake

Reflection by the Lake

During my work trip to Raleigh this past fall I spent a lot of time by myself, reflecting on everything in life. I can’t recall the last time I just sat down and truly looked inward. I found myself feeling lucky and almost overwhelmed to